Thursday 5 November 2020

5th of November - Guy Fawkes - Firework Artwork

Look at the amazing firework art we did in school today! We hope everyone has a safe Guy Fawkes evening tonight for those who are celebrating - although this Auckland weather may mean people will postpone their festivities! 

Thursday 24 September 2020

Room 1 - Market Day 2020

What a successful Market Day we had this morning and yesterday! As a class, we raised over $700! 

Product/s: Dragon Origami (origami/emoji bookmarks, variety of origami products e.g. cranes, dragons, ninja stars)

Group Members: Vivaan, Kiran, Rishi, Uzayr 

Day 1 $56.50

Day 2 $39.50

Total: $96.00

Product/s: Lucky Dip (Stress balls, slime, stamps, stickers, kaleidoscopes, bubbles, paper wallets)  

Group Members: Akshara, Sana, Shreya, Janya, Vrushti, Krisha, Azra 

Day 1 $157

Day 2 $53.60


Product/s: Pendants (made from salt dough), playdough

Group Members: Anjana, Briar, Chaitra, 

Day 1 $9.40

Day 2: $8.60

Total: $18

Product/s: Bookmarks 

Group Members: Dorothy, Christina, Angelina 

Day 1 $38

Day 2 $20

Total: $58

Product/s: Lotto - Meme/trading cards/ninja stars/bookmarks 

Website: Lotto

Group Members: Max, Zayn, Raaj, Felix, 

Day 1 $76.50

Day 2 $53.80

Total: $130.30

Product/s: Stress Balls, playdough, notebooks 

Group Members: Aleena, Tunde, Fariah, Aisha, Evie 

Day 1 $50.10

Day 2 $50.80

Total: $100.90

Product/s: Pop-culture cards/meme cards 

Group Members: Garuth, Leroy, Eric, Isaac 

Day 1 $31.50

Day 2 $69.50

Total: $101

Class Total: $714.80 - Wow! What an amazing job we did!