Thursday, 5 November 2020

5th of November - Guy Fawkes - Firework Artwork

Look at the amazing firework art we did in school today! We hope everyone has a safe Guy Fawkes evening tonight for those who are celebrating - although this Auckland weather may mean people will postpone their festivities! 

Thursday, 24 September 2020

Room 1 - Market Day 2020

What a successful Market Day we had this morning and yesterday! As a class, we raised over $700! 

Product/s: Dragon Origami (origami/emoji bookmarks, variety of origami products e.g. cranes, dragons, ninja stars)

Group Members: Vivaan, Kiran, Rishi, Uzayr 

Day 1 $56.50

Day 2 $39.50

Total: $96.00

Product/s: Lucky Dip (Stress balls, slime, stamps, stickers, kaleidoscopes, bubbles, paper wallets)  

Group Members: Akshara, Sana, Shreya, Janya, Vrushti, Krisha, Azra 

Day 1 $157

Day 2 $53.60


Product/s: Pendants (made from salt dough), playdough

Group Members: Anjana, Briar, Chaitra, 

Day 1 $9.40

Day 2: $8.60

Total: $18

Product/s: Bookmarks 

Group Members: Dorothy, Christina, Angelina 

Day 1 $38

Day 2 $20

Total: $58

Product/s: Lotto - Meme/trading cards/ninja stars/bookmarks 

Website: Lotto

Group Members: Max, Zayn, Raaj, Felix, 

Day 1 $76.50

Day 2 $53.80

Total: $130.30

Product/s: Stress Balls, playdough, notebooks 

Group Members: Aleena, Tunde, Fariah, Aisha, Evie 

Day 1 $50.10

Day 2 $50.80

Total: $100.90

Product/s: Pop-culture cards/meme cards 

Group Members: Garuth, Leroy, Eric, Isaac 

Day 1 $31.50

Day 2 $69.50

Total: $101

Class Total: $714.80 - Wow! What an amazing job we did!

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Star of the Week - Term 2 Week 4

Hi Room 1,

Some of you may be wondering who the Star of the Week was for last week (Term 2, Week 4). Firstly, I would just like to say I'm very pleased with the quality of work you are all doing at home lately. I can see a real improvement in the effort people are putting in, and consistency with those who have already been putting their best effort in. You should all be proud of the work you have managed to complete on your own at home. I know it has been a very strange time. So, thank you all for being such great online learners!

The Star of The Week for Term 2, Week 4 is Fariah Abrar! Fariah has been demonstrating our school values of Excellence and Respect throughout her online learning. She has shown respect in her email correspondence with her teacher (using good manners) and strived for excellence in her work,  seeking feedback and making changes to her work based on this. Fariah has been consistent with completing her Must Do tasks throughout the term. Well done Fariah!

Could you be the star of this week? Keep up the great work, comment on other's blog posts and demonstrate our school and class values. I will be keeping an eye out for students who are doing these things!

Monday, 11 May 2020

Maths - Area of Composite Shapes

Check out this fantastic Maths work done by our very own, Dorothy Chang! She has created a composite shape, then clearly shown how she has divided the shape into triangles and rectangles in order to calculate the total area of the shape. Great work, Dorothy! You are a star.

Work For Today

Hi Room 1,

Here is your work for today which has been shared with you via email. Have a fantastic day everyone.

Term 2 Week 5 - Monday

Miss Hudson

Friday, 8 May 2020

Friday Fun Challenge - Friday 8th May

Today's challenge - Create your own obstacle course at home! Here are some ideas below. Post a photo/video to your blog of your obstacle course. Have fun with your bubble, be careful and stay safe.

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Google Meet Sessions Tomorrow

Kia ora,

Here are your Google Meet group session times for tomorrow, Thursday 7th May.

Group 1 - 11am 
Max, Felix, Evie, Chaitra, Janya, Eric, Leroy, Christina, Krisha, Fariah.
The link to your session is: 

Group 2 - 12.30pm 
Garuth, Zayn, Anjana, Angelina, Azra, Isaac, Uzayr, Tunde, Briar, Vrushti.
The link to your session is: 

Group 3 - 1.30pm 
Raaj, Kiran, Akshara, Dorothy, Aleena, Rishi, Vivaan, Aisha, Shreya, Sana.
The link to your session is:

Hope to see you all there!

Miss Hudson

Work for Today - Wednesday 6th May 2020

Good Morning Room 1,

Please see your work for today in the link below:

Term 2, Week 4 - Wednesday 6th May

Have a great day! We will have some Google Meets tomorrow in groups of about 10 - I will post the sessions times and links in my next blog post (before the end of today). 

Miss Hudson

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Awesome Newspaper Writing by Garuth

Hi Room 1,

Just sharing this piece of writing Garuth has completed for his Must Do this week. He has made a prediction about what happens next in the story, then written a newspaper piece which informs the reader of his predictions for the story (which have come true). Well done Garuth!

Monday, 4 May 2020

Sunday, 3 May 2020

Star of the Week - Term 2, Week 3

Hello Room 1,

I would like to announce that the Star of the Week for Term 2, Week 3 is.........

Dorothy Chang! Dorothy has worked hard to complete all of her Must Do tasks this week for Writing, Reading, Inquiry and Maths. She has been sharing her work with me regularly. I believe Dorothy has demonstrated the following values:

"Challenge ourselves" - from our class treaty

"Integrity"and "Personal Excellence" - from our school values.

When we show integrity, we show honesty. Dorothy has kept herself motivated and showed integrity in her work by completing the tasks regularly. She has taken responsibility for her own learning. Ka pai, well done Dorothy! Please make sure you post your work to your personal blog, so we can all see what great learning you have been doing at home.

Miss Hudson

Friday, 1 May 2020

Whole Class Google Met Today at 11.30am

Hi Room 1,

We will have a whole-class google meet today at 11.30am.

Here is the link to join:

Hope to see you there!


Miss Hudson

Friday Fun Challenge - Friday 1st May 2020

Today's Challenge: Auckland's Big Rail Project (Art!)

You are to create a 10cm by 10cm tile design for Auckland City Rail Link! Your task is to create a picture of where you would like to go by train, once the underground railway is built. Your journey could be anywhere - taking the train down the road from your home to the local dairy, or heading off into outer space, or anywhere you like in between. Your tile design will be fired onto ceramic tiles and used to decorate Auckland's new City Rail Link Aotea underground station. How cool is that?! You will be contributing to New Zealand's BIGGEST art project!

Watch the video below to see the plan:

Please follow the guidelines below, when creating your tile design:

  • You can use paints, crayons, pencils or pastels
  • Your artwork needs to be square shaped as it will be printed onto 10cm x 10cm tiles to be built into the station. 
  • Artwork can either be scanned or photographed and sent by email to
  • Artwork should also include the artist’s name, their age and school they go to
  • If possible, City Rail Link Ltd would love to receive short videos of tamariki holding up their art and explaining what they have drawn so that it can be shared on CRL’s social media channels and website
  • More information can be found at

Thursday, 30 April 2020

Can anyone solve this?

Good Afternoon Room 1,

I noticed Briar has shared a maths problem for translation of a triangle. Have a look at her blog to see the post. Can you solve it? If so, leave a comment on her blog post!

Miss Hudson

Friday, 24 April 2020

Excellent Descriptive Writing

Have a read of Kiran's descriptive writing from our Monday task.
He chose the topic of a spooky house. Kiran has done an excellent job of using descriptive language (such as adjectives and adverbs). He has also thought about using some of the senses (touch, hearing, sight, taste, smell) to guide details in his writing. For example, he has included sights, sounds, and feelings. Awesome work, Kiran!

Can you spot any adverbs, adjectives, or parts were Kiran has used one of the senses to give detail? Have a read and comment below if you can point some features out! You can also leave comments on his blog post directly.

Star of the Week - Term 2, Week 2

The Star of the Week for Term 2, Week 2 is..............

Garuth Athukorala! Garuth has been demonstrating our class treaty value of "including everyone" at home, by including his little sister in his learning activities and fun challenges. If you check out Garuth's blog, you can see he has included his sister in the Tik Tok challenge, as well as the bowling activity for PE. He has also been including people from our class in his learning. For example, answering other classmates' maths questions they have created for our class. Well done Garuth! Mahi pai. Garuth posts regularly to his personal blog, and has even shared some photos of other fun activities he has been up to e.g. making pizzas with his family. 

Friday Fun Challenge

Today's challenge is The Balloon Challenge! watch the video below to find out how to do it:
Note: if you don't have balloons, you can use soft toys.

Thursday, 23 April 2020

Google Meet Sessions Tomorrow

As promised, please see below your Google Meet timetable below. We will be meeting in larger groups this time, so you will get to see some more of your classmates! I have also included the meeting ID below for you - copy and paste your group's meeting ID into your browser to join the meeting.

Friday 24th April 

Group 1 - (11am - 11.30am) meeting ID:

Group 2 - (1pm - 1.30pm) Meeting ID:

Group 3 - (2pm - 2.30pm) Meeting ID: 

Hope to see you all there!

Take care and see you soon,
Miss Hudson

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Work For Today - Wednesday 22nd April 2020

Mōrena Room 1,

I can see some of you are already accessing the work for today which is great.

Here is a link to your work for today. Please be aware there are separate google slides for these topics - Te Reo, Art, Inquiry, Health/PE, Music and I have included links to these in the final slide of "WEDNESDAY 22 APRIL 2020". These have all been shared with you. I will also link them below.


Te Reo
Inquiry, Health PE and Music 

Ngā mihi,
Miss Hudson

Monday, 20 April 2020

Term 2 - Week 2

Kia ora koutou,

Here is your work for today:

Term 2, Week 2 - Monday

Have a great day. Remember I am just an email away if you get stuck. Do what you can and take it easy. Remember to share your work with me and also post to your blogs.

Ngā mihi,

Miss Hudson

Sunday, 19 April 2020

Star of The Week - Term 2 - Week 1

It has been a short week for our first week of Term Two. As a teacher, I thought it would be harder for me to decide who our star of the week is during lockdown, as I like to focus on people who have been demonstrating our class treaty and school values through direct actions. However, I quickly noticed you are still able to do these things in your distance learning - it just depends on you to make sure you are demonstrating them. How you ask? Well, let's think of some examples, together. How can you demonstrate these things at home? How can you use Blogger as a tool to help you demonstrate these values?

Our Class Treaty 
In Room 1, we agree to……

  • Show integrity by being honest and owning up to our mistakes.

  • Include everyone.  

  • Be kind to everyone.

  • Show respect to each other by being friendly and saying positive, kind things to one another.

  • Respect our class property and the property of our peers.

  • Challenge ourselves. 

School Values:
  • Respect for self and others.
  • Celebration of diversity.
  • Integrity.
  • Personal excellence.

I would like to announce the Star of the Week for Term 2 Week 1 is Rishikumar Patel! Rishi has put a lot of effort into his descriptive writing this week, using high-level descriptive language to describe his favourite toys. He has also done a great job using descriptive language to describe a character he has been reading about. By putting a great effort into his work, he has shown respect for himself and others during this lockdown period. I also like how he has included a photo in his blog post so we can all see the toys he has been describing. I would like to point out that Rishi has been posting his work to his blog so we can all see it. Please make sure you are all posting to your blogs regularly. Have a look at his blog! Keep up the great work Rishi. When we are back at school, you can select a prize and collect your certificate. Mahi Pai! (Good work!)

How did we go with our Tik Tok dance challenge?

If you have created a short dance clip with your family, or by yourself please remember to share to your blog so we can see it! Here is an example of my family who made a tik tok to the song "Blinding Lights" by The Weekend. It is a pretty simple dance to learn if you want to give it a go at home! I'm such a proud Auntie watching this!

Here is my niece, Eden demonstrating the dance. I hope this helps those of you who want to give this a go!

Friday, 17 April 2020

Friday Fun Challenge for Today! Friday 17th April 2020

Let the Dancing Begin!
Imagine you are entering the 2020 Tik Tok Dance Challenge. Select a song and design dance moves to go with that song. Practice your moves and teach a parent or sibling your dance. Film your dance and post to your class blog. Feel free to dress up in costumes too! Have fun! Check out other people's dance moves on other class blogs.

Thursday, 16 April 2020

Term 2 Day 2 - How are we feeling? What news do we have to share?

It has been great to see some of your lovely, smiling faces today in our Google Meet sessions!
I have enjoyed listening to what you have been up to - cooking/baking experiments, adopting kittens (so jealous! - I couldn't adopt as the SPCA was all out of animals when I attempted), spending time with your families, bike rides, watching movies and playing games online with your friends (not on your school accounts of course!). I look forward to chatting with more of you tomorrow. Keep up the great work, stay tuned in to our class blog and remember - I am only an email away if you feel unsure about anything. Do what you can. Enjoy the benefits of working from home. Keep in touch. Do not stress. We have got this Room 1!

If you would like to share any photos of your cooking, new pets or any work you have been doing, remember your personal blog is a great place for you to share and connect with others. Keep sharing your work with me as you have been doing.

Have you learned any new skills over the holidays? What have been your highlights recently? Let's share our awesome news with each other regularly, to stay connected. Comment below if you want to share anything!

I started to teach myself how to knit via youtube tutorials - it was challenging at first, but I am getting the hang of it - a scarf is in the making. I have also been cooking a lot of meals and trying new recipes, watching movies, going for walks in the park near my house. Do you have any recipes you want to share? Post to your blogs! Did you know you can make doughnuts using only 2 ingredients? and they taste like scones - yumm! (greek yoghurt and self-raising flour). Tip: if you don't have self-raising flour, you can use regular flour and just add 1.5 teaspoons baking powder and 1/4 of a teaspoon of salt per cup of flour. Maybe we should start a recipe section on our class blog!

Kia kaha! (Stay strong!)

Miss Hudson

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Welcome to Term 2! Let's do this!

Kia ora koutou Room 1,

Greetings and welcome to Term 2! I hope you have enjoyed time with your families during the holidays, and have been keeping safe during our lockdown period in NZ.

As a class, we will be using Google Meet to catch up with each other once a week. This is an optional meeting, but will be a good opportunity for you to see your teacher and classmates. I have missed seeing your smiling faces in class, so I hope to see you there!

How do I use Google Meet? Please see the link below for instructions:
Google Meet instructions

Google Meet Session Timetable 

Thursday 16th April 
Group 1 (11am - 11.30am)
Max, Felix, Evie, Chaitra, Janya

Group 2 (1pm - 1.30pm) 
Eric, Leroy, Christina, Krisha, Fariah

Group 3 (2pm - 2.30pm)
Garuth, Zayn, Anjana, Angelina, Azra

Friday 17th April 
Group 4 (11am - 11.30am)
Isaac, Uzayr, Tunde, Briar, Vrushti

Group 5 (1pm - 1.30pm) 
Raaj, Kiran, Akshara, Dorothy, Aleena

Group 6 (2pm - 2.30pm) 
Rishi, Vivaan, Aisha, Shreya, Sana

Working from home - Term 2 Week 1 (Wednesday 15th - Friday 17th April 2020)

For the term, I will be posting tasks on our class blog for you to complete. I will be posting these every MondayWednesday and Friday so make sure you are checking our class blog regularly. On Fridays, we will have a fun challenge to complete alongside other senior classes... check our class blog to see what this will be! (I think you will really enjoy the challenges, especially this Friday!)

Expectations for distance learning 
You must complete 2 "Must do" tasks each week for Reading, Writing and Maths. Once you have completed your "Must Dos", you can complete "Can Dos". Don't worry about completing everything in one day, as new tasks will be posted every second day.
If you are in ESOL - you will have one task which you will complete instead of one of your "Must Do" tasks in reading or writing.*

Here is your work for today:
Wednesday Term 2 Week 1

*ESOL task - Wednesday 15th April - this task replaces your writing "must do"Choose a character from your story and write them a letter. You may want to ask them some questions about their life or what they did in the story. You may want to give them your opinion on what they did in the story or something you think they could have done better. You may find things you have in common with the character and similarities between your life and their life that you could write about.

We are focusing on Descriptive writing this week. Our purpose for descriptive writing is to ENTERTAIN. Our audience is anyone who reads our personal blogs, including teachers, parents and classmates. 
We are going to learn how to support our ideas with detail in descriptive writing, through using the "show don't tell" technique. For example, if it is cold, we would write about things to give our reader the feeling it is cold, rather than actually saying it is cold. We could use our senses as a guide to help us by describing the below:
- howling wind (sounds)
- icicles (sights)
- shivering (Sound, sight, feeling)
- when you exhale and can see a cloud of vapour condensation similar to mist/fog in the air (sights)

Here is an example of descriptive writing by Angela Abraham about walking to the bus stop in Autumn. Notice how the sights, sounds, temperature and overall vibe/feelings are captured in her writing in an entertaining, descriptive manner. It is enjoyable to read and transports the reader into the scene. 
As the days wane, the nights close in and the trees don their vibrant hues, a chill creeps into the air. Not the bite of wintry blusters, but just a nip to let us know a new season is at hand. The wide avenue is lit by the first rays of the day, shining through a thin layer of grey cloud like a stain glass window. No more are the trees their virescent hues of spring and summer, but are scarlets and gold. In just a few weeks they will stand naked in the frozen air, bereft of their gaiety. Already the usual grey of the concrete sidewalk is adorned with their transient beauty. As I walk to the bus stop in my black woollen coat, I deliberately tread on each one to hear the crunch. Just ahead a leaf tumbles from it's weary branch, it twists and rocks as it falls through the almost still air. I pause to listen for the sound it makes as it joins it's brethren on the ground, but it is lost in the drone of the traffic.
- Angela Abraham, November 7, 2014. 

Can you tell what season it is? What time of day it is? Notice how the writer doesn't explicitly tell us these details, she uses the descriptive writing technique of "show don't tell" to make the writing entertaining, by showing us details rather than telling us. When we are using "show don't tell" we are thinking about how rather than what. For example, describing how a leaf fell from a tree, rather than simply saying it fell. Focus on using adverbs (words that describe an action) and adjectives (describing words). You can use Visuwords and Word Hippo to help you find descriptive words. I'm on the look-out for some excellent descriptive writing, using high-level descriptive words! We want our readers to feel intrigued, captivated and engrossed in reading our work. 

Ngā mihi, 

Miss Hudson 

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Kia ora whānau!

Thought I would share this link for those who are interested. A Kiwi artist living in Wellington has created a lockdown diary template we can download and/or print to fill in! If you would like to complete one, we could add them to our class library to share when we are back at school! Let's add to our class library taonga collection!

Here is the link to the website:

Ngā Mihi,
Miss Hudson 

Friday, 27 March 2020

Star of the Week!

Aleena Kashif

(Term 1 - Week 8)

*****Photo pending *****

Aleena Kashif 

Reason: for showing a great effort in her distance learning this week and striving for excellence. Great work Aleena! Tino Pai!

Aleena has been consistently sharing her work with me and replying to my comments to help improve her work, where needed. Well done Aleena! you have been a star student during our first week of distance learning this year. You should be proud! When we are back at school, you can choose a prize from the prize drawer and collect your certificate.

Star of the Week!

Uzayr Bhamji

(Term 1 - Week 7)

*****Photo pending *****

Uzayr Bhamji

Reason: for going above and beyond to keep our classroom property safe and organised correctly. Also for being a respectful, helpful class member. Well done Uzayr! Ka Pai!

Uzayr stayed behind during break one afternoon to help me put away our class devices and keep them safe during break times. He made sure they were all put away properly in the correct cupboards, in their correct shelves and plugged in to charge for our class. He is always a helpful, respectful classmate to those around him. We are proud to have you in our class, Uzayr! When we are back at school, you can collect your certificate and choose a prize!

Saturday, 14 March 2020

Star of the Week!

Janya Singh

(Term 1 - Week 6)

Janya Singh

Reason: for showing respect for our school's property and being a helpful, kind classmate. Mahi Pai! (Good Work!)

I have noticed Janya has consistently been doing her class job, of keeping the tote tray area tidy - you can even spot this area in the pic to the right! She has also been respecting our school's library by making sure any books that are left on tables have been put away in the correct places, chairs are pushed away and the library is tidy for the next class who visits. Janya is always kind to others and offers to help others. It is a pleasure having you in Room 1, Janya!

Thursday, 5 March 2020

Our Class Library Taonga

We are very lucky to have a published author and illustrator in our class! We can read Leroy's story in our class library. Congratulations on having your work published in Forrest magazine, Leroy. 

We can also read the awesome Duck Man comics created by Isaac and Kiran. We now have two Taonga in our class library, both created by members of our own class! Keep up the amazing, creative work Room 1! If you have something you would like to share with our class, let Miss Hudson know!